Parish App

Google / Android Users
Download the app from the Google Play store:
Download the app from the Google Play store:
Apple Users
Visit below website in the Safari browser and click the share icon. Then, choose to save the website to your home screen. The app will then download to your phone.
Visit below website in the Safari browser and click the share icon. Then, choose to save the website to your home screen. The app will then download to your phone.
Push Notifications for Apple
After using the app a short time, you will be asked if you’d like to receive push notifications from the app. Say “yes” to receive the notifications. If you accidentally say “no”, you can turn the notifications back on by visiting settings > notifications > Sacred Heart in your iphone notifications settings area.
After using the app a short time, you will be asked if you’d like to receive push notifications from the app. Say “yes” to receive the notifications. If you accidentally say “no”, you can turn the notifications back on by visiting settings > notifications > Sacred Heart in your iphone notifications settings area.