Liturgical Ministries

Opportunities to Serve


Readers use the gift of their voice to proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Reading the scriptures is both an honor and a responsibility as one’s voice makes divine revelation come alive for God’s people. God’s Word must be proclaimed from the heart with clarity and feeling to facilitate both the worship and understanding of the assembly. It is therefore crucial that readers sufficiently prepare their delivery by practicing readings out loud well in advance of the masses for which they’re scheduled. God’s words are not like those of anyone else. They bring us life, hope, strength, truth and most of all…love. As a reader, you can truly show your reverence and love for God fulfilling this vital liturgical role, and help foster the same in your fellow parishioners.


This liturgical ministry offers the wonderful opportunity to assist the priest in the most mystical and important part of the Mass. What greater joy and privilege could there be during Mass than to offer the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our crucified and risen Lord to the assembly for their spiritual nourishment and healing? In addition to helping to distribute Holy Communion during mass, extraordinary ministers clean the vessels after mass and either put them away, or prepare them for the following liturgy.


SHC: Vigil Mass Joe Macaluso (607) 538-1315
SPN: Dave Pickett (518) 827-7373

Ushers perform the important function of logistical coordinator for the liturgy. They help people find a comfortable place to sit, escorting them to their pew if necessary, and offering to assist them in any other way they might need. They oversee the offertory collection, securing volunteers to assist in that effort before Mass begins. They consolidate those monies into the security bag, put the bag in a large basket, and carry it to the altar in behind those they’ve chosen to present the bread and wine. Ushers are also responsible for getting a head count of mass attendees and recording that number on a form that’s submitted to the pastor each month.


SHC: Vigil Mass: Rosalie O’Connor (607) 652-2212; Joe Macaluso (607) 538-1315
SPN: Dave Pickett (518) 827-7373

One of the most frequent complaints people have about Catholic churches is that they aren’t very welcoming or friendly. Greeters play a most important role in dispelling this stereotype. They are, in a very real sense, the face of the parish. Warmly greeting those who come to worship with a handshake, hello, and a smile, makes them feel valued as desired members of the community, and that affirmation sets the perfect tone for the celebration that’s about to begin. Greeters should try to get to know the names of our parishioners, and extend an extra welcome to those they recognize as visitors, offering to answer any questions those folks might have about our parish.


SHC: vacant
SPN: vacant

The music ministry plans, leads and inspires the congregation’s song during parish liturgies, including weekend Masses, Holy Days, weddings, funerals, penance services, prayer rituals, and others. Hymns, prayers, psalms, and other responses are routinely offered in song, and singing is a beautiful way to praise the Lord. Music is an invaluable element in our communal worship. It helps us glorify God as he deserves, and it also greatly enhances the worship experience for God’s people. If the Lord has graced you with the gift of music, please come forward with your voice and / or your instrument to share that blessing. Angels sing God’s praise…you can too.


Fr. Paul Mijas (607) 652-7170

Serving at the altar is available to youth and adults. Altar servers play a vital role at Mass. They lead the procession at the beginning of mass and the recession at the end; they manage the missal for the priest’s prayers; they set and clear the altar; they receive the gifts of bread and wine from the community; they wash the priest’s hands after he has prepared the gifts; with the priest they help lead the community in prayer and song throughout the liturgy, and they share the sign of peace with them as well. We could use a lot more dedicated people, kids and adults alike, who are committed to reliably serving at the altar.


SHC: Pat Dengler (607) 267-7862
SPN: David Pickett (518) 827-7373

The sacristan is responsible for setting up the church for Mass, and cleaning up afterwards. Setting up includes everything from turning on the lights, to putting out the linens, vessels, bread, wine, and water, to lighting the candles at the proper time. Once familiar with his or her duties, a sacristan should arrive at least a half hour before mass begins to ensure everything is prepared in time. Currently, we have dedicated sacristans each for Sacred Heart and St. Philip Neri churches. They would be happy to train a few others to help them in this important ministry.


Rosalie O’Connor (607) 652-2212
SPN: Theresa Gier (607) 588-9470

The linens used on the altar for the sacred liturgy include corporals, purificators, and finger towels. These need to be regularly and reverently washed, ironed, and folded for use during Mass. It is a tedious and time-consuming ministry that is performed behind the scenes, but with the proper disposition and generosity of heart, truly becomes a labor of love for the Lord. Only a few women currently serve in this ministry; a few more hands and hearts would be warmly welcomed.



Sacred Heart Church
27 Harper Street
Stamford, NY 12455

St. Philip Neri Church
60676 NY-30
Grand Gorge, NY 12474


Weekly Mass Times

Sacred Heart Church, Stamford
Saturdays - 4:30 pm Vigil Mass

Tuesdays - 9:00 am; Wednesdays - 9:00 am

Fridays - Noon (preceded by 11:00 am Eucharistic Adoration)

Reconciliation/Confession - Fridays 11:00 am and Saturdays 4:00 pm or by appointment 

St. Philip Neri, Grand Gorge
Sundays - 8:00 am

Reconciliation/Confession - Sundays 7:30 am

Contact Us

Sacred Heart Rectory/Parish Office
27 Harper Street
Stamford, NY 12167

Office Hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Phone: (607) 652-7170


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